Cairo ICT 2018

Start Date : 25/11/2018 07:00 AMzNovEnd Date : 28/11/2018 12:00 AMzNov
Location : Cairo Category : Conference

​Along the past 21 years, Cairo ICT has been hovering around the concepts of transformation, however leading to the concept through multiple ways. It is well-known that the event was a regional and perhaps a world leader in the convergence of technologies, far ahead of its peers and competitor. Besides, from convergence to disruption, the path was long and rough; many concepts at times were introduced either quite timely or, unfortunately, prematurely for a region (the Middle East and Africa) still lagging be-hind the advanced world.

But here we are today, satisfied with the past, but with eyes open-wide on the future, seeking to serve the same region with concepts to help its people thrive and make up for time lost in hesitation and time lost in slow response to people's aspirations. What was an option few years ago has become a need, turning to-day into a warning "Transform or Die!"